High frequency electrotherapy is an important cosmetic tool in modern cosmetics. Everything is done through a glass electrode.
The ozone produced by the device is used to treat acne and seborrheic skin. The device generates high voltages that are the result of AC transformation. The electrical discharge that arises irritates the nerve endings. It results in the expansion of the capillaries, improving of the blood flow, and produced ozone has disinfecting effects. Its use increases blood circulation, drains and disinfects the skin – after deep cleaning. It has antiseptic and disinfecting effects. The ozone that the device makes accelerates blood circulation, improves metabolism and thus slows aging and wrinkle formation.
High frequency electrotherapy helps with acne, nausea, irritated skin. High frequency has a positive effect on improving blood circulation and supplying the skin with oxygen. High-frequency electric current helps with dark circles under the eyes and hair loss because of bad blood circulation in hair follicles, which is the main reason for hair loss.